Imagine a world where; your relationships are rich, life has a sense of flow, you can feel the vitality of life, there is joy, there is struggle and ... you can navigate it all.

A way of being known to all of us, Relational Wholebody Focusing brings us back into connection with life.  Healing past hurts, magnifying our present and inspiring our future.  Where we feel such safety in relationship, we feel inspired to meet the truth of ourselves.  Liberated inside of the wholebody present moment life situation-interactions, we no longer lose ourselves in habitual reactions to the shadows of the past.  We grow, we inspire, we find reconnection with the wholeness of experience. We discover freshly the forward movement and aliveness in both the flow and joy of life, as well as within the struggles and pain of life.

In finding all of Me Here, in a living wholebody way, you are also finding all of You There. Together we discover the potential of the We shared space, experiencing the intimacy and richness of connection and life.

This is Relational Wholebody Focusing ... From Me Here to You There to We Here

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